Sunday, December 23, 2012

Strengthen YOUR Brand

Whoa there. Look at that.

What did you think of when you first saw this? The yellow, the wood, and the thick piece of charcoal colored thingy. Any resemblance? Any connection?  

Why, it’s a pencil!

Well, what is it saying? Why is the pencil in the structure of a barbell?

You silly people, it’s trying to tell you that their brand of pencil is as strong as a barbell. It even says, I’m strong right across the whole advertisement. You see it?

It’s the need to aggress that appeals to us. Come on, let’s admit it, we want the best of everything. I know I do.  Even if it’s just the smallest things like pencil and paper, I want what I think is the best product.

This advertisement is trying to tell us that this brand of pencil is very strong and durable. And to do this, advertisers transform a pencil to the form of something sturdy, durable, and strong: a barbell. Barbells are connected to power and muscles and strength. So, when I usually see a weight, the words heavy, tough, strong come to my head. A connection immediately occurs when I see a barbell and a pencil. The message is obvious. Use their brand of pencil because it is sturdy and long lasting.

Well, what’s wrong with other brands of pencil? Here, this advertisement is making a reality assumption that says, all other brands of pencil are fragile and weak.

Adding on, those advertisers set the object in the center of a completely white background so all you really notice when you see this advertisement is the barbell.

Also, on the bottom right, there is a motto that says Strengthen your brand. Advertisers use this in a really persuasive and demanding tone. It’s like its saying, come on, are you really going to use that brand of pencils when you obviously see this. It’s as strong as a barbell! Switch your brand of pencils!

Really, does it really matter? I mean, all yellow pencils are the same, aren’t they? I guess not. I personally don’t use these pencils anymore. I use mechanical pencils. I think I am gonna have to Strengthen your brand no huh? 

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